About us

  • We are part of the Franklin West Supervisory Union (FWSU).

  • We are a Pre K-8 school system.

  • We have a combination of multi-age/single grade classrooms.

  • Instruction to students is offered in all academic areas, as well as in physical education, both vocal and instrumental music, art, enrichment and computer.

  • We employ 15 professional specialists to provide services to students with special needs.

  • We have one of the most modern Learning/Media Centers in the State of Vermont

  • We have 2 computer labs, mobile laptop labs,  as well as computers in the classrooms, enabling our students to access the latest in technology.

  • School hours for students are 8:05 to 2:55.

  • Transportation is provided for our students and we plan our bus routes so that no student rides longer than 45 minutes to or from our school.

  • Our graduates can attend the high school of their choice. We have students attending BFA St. Albans, BFA Fairfax, Essex, Colchester, South Burlington and Winooski.

  • Students may enroll in Kindergarten if they are 5 on or before August 31st.

  • Our staff, with an average tenure of 20 years is extremely dedicated to our students.

  • Historical data validates our belief that Georgia students are successful.